Grand Ole’ Mess!
Aug 31, 2022
My first time playing on the Opry was memorable at best. Throw and go! Plug in my guitar and set my sound, who knows what it will sound like out of the speakers. No need to worry, the people running the sound, have it all figured out. I had a couple of minutes to dial in my sound to play live in front of an audience. 2 songs in and we’re finished for our spot. On Saturday nights it was two sets and Fridays one. I’ve always enjoyed performing on the Grand Ole’ Opry in Nashville.
A story (it’s all about stories in music business) that stuck with me was about an artist performing for his first time on the Opry. He was so nervous, that to take the edge off, he thought it would be a good idea to have a few drinks before hitting the stage. Realizing he had a few too many, while backstage at the Opry, the artist was offered some chili, to sober up some to perform his songs, he tried the backstage concoction. And, just as he was to go out and play his hit songs, his acoustic guitar became his waste can and walked back away without every performing. I cannot confirm this is true or not but it makes for an interesting story!
All the best!
P.S. Here’s the link to my free guitar courses: