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band ear plugs hearing hearing protection loud music concerts Oct 01, 2022

About hearing, we only get the ears we are born with and we need to take good care of them.


In the early 90’s, I was rehearsing with my band that had an enthusiastic drummer (currently Trace Adkins drummer) that it hit the skins really hard.

In rehearsals my left ear always faced him and brunt of the crack of the snare, did some damage.


I had some hearing protection molds made for me at the Summer Nashville NAMM show.


It was a good thing too, because the band I was working with (Denver and the Mile High Orchestra, a Big Band Swing) was very loud with a brass horn section.


After playing with them, I started touring with a Country Artist and continued to wear one in my left ear.


My right ear was left off so I could hear the Artist to tell me the next song for me to relay to the rest of my band mates.


A few years after retiring from the road, I got a head cold.


While recovering from my illness, my right ear started ringing.


From then on, I became very persistent in wearing both ear plugs when performing live with bands.


Even now my right ear still rings and I have gone to wearing a swimmers plug in that ear.

Recently, when I played a couple gigs with different bands in one day and with another the next, my right ear started sounding like a diesel truck that was continually running in my ear.


On good days my right ear only rings.


Allergies probably didn’t have anything to do with my ears but they do sound different when I’m sick with a cold.


This is my plug for hearing protection for all of us that go to concerts or that plays in bands.


Take great care of your ears!


My custom ear plugs remove 25 db and that is the highest reduction they go.


The link down below goes to my recommendation that doesn’t block everything out of the hearing range and you still can hear the music, just not as ear pounding loud.


You can read more about them by clicking the link HERE


  To your hearing!


All the best,



“Helping guitarists to not waste time learning bad habits.”


P.S. I’ve had allergies all my life, including shots to build up an immunity. I was getting shots for bee stings and now I’m immune to them. (I have been stung in the last 20 years and did not go to the hospital).